Dear Families, The Alain Locke Family is deeply saddened by yesterday’s mass shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville. Unfortunately, as we all know, it’s only the latest case of […]

The Alain Locke basketball All-Stars on the court in their final game of the season.

Last Thursday, our Alain Locke basketball team celebrated their three outgoing eighth-graders in a special halftime ceremony at the final game of the season. During the ceremony, All-Stars Amira A., […]

Two of our very impressive Alain Locke All-Stars were honored for their amazing work at a recent local history fair that will surely be remembered for some time to come. […]

With March Madness now underway, we thought it would be a great time to show off our very own All-Stars. Check out our Alain Locke basketball team led by Coach […]

Like someone once said, “Earth without art is eh.” At Alain Locke, we think the arts are an important part to getting a well-rounded education. This week, some of our […]

On the last day of Black History Month this year, our All-Stars celebrated famous Black athletes and their historical accomplishments.  Some of the All-Stars chose to talk about track and […]

Some of the Alain Locke All-Stars are seated at a desk together as they sharpen their math skills at school.

At Alain Locke, we believe offering a full curriculum is the best way to prepare our All-Stars to make their way in the world. Part of that includes math… which […]

Two Alain Locke All-Stars compete at the 2022-23 Heritage Bowl school-wide trivia competition.

We hosted our annual Heritage Bowl here at Alain Lock last week! The school-wide trivia competition was a fun opportunity for two teams of K-8 students and staff to face […]

The recent history fair at Alain Locke was a huge success! You can see some of our All-Stars and their great exhibits below.  A big shoutout to Mrs. Baran for […]


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Nam quis sapien ac lectus accumsan feugiat vitae sit amet enim. Duis et accumsan enim. Integer porta congue mauris, et facilisis lacus malesuada a. Cras malesuada feugiat odio.

Alain Locke is one of the top charter schools in Chicago. The mission of Alain Locke is to produce globally competitive students, while at the same time setting the standard for successful urban charter schools by exemplifying excellence in academics, the arts and personal and social development.


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