On behalf of the faculty and staff, we welcome you to Alain Locke Charter School! Our extended day, year round school is located in the heart of Chicago’s West Side, serving over 500 preschool through 8th grade students. Named after the first African-American Rhodes Scholar, Alain Locke Charter School is committed to absolute excellence and ensuring that our students are globally competitive.
Alain Locke is one of the highest performing charter schools in Illinois. The U.S. Department of Education recognized Alain Locke as 1 of 7 schools in the United States most successful at “Closing the Achievement Gap.” Our results prove that all children with access to the best educators and resources can perform at the highest academic level by any measure.
Instructors at Alain Locke use a combination of instructional strategies to meet the individual academic needs of each student. In addition to our focus on core subjects, students participate in a wide array of meaningful enrichment programs (technology, art, music, library, physical education, and weekly clubs) that promote academic achievement and social growth.
A commitment to absolute excellence is unwavering and present in every element of day-to-day life at our school. We not only want our students to be the best on the West Side, but more importantly we want them to be globally competitive. We are appreciative that our families entrust us with the opportunity to educate their children and look forward to another great year at Alain Locke!
Patrick Love
Principal, Alain Locke Charter School