The Senate just took a big step toward giving more Illinois students the quality education they need to be competitive in the global economy. They passed the Every Child Achieves […]

Last Saturday, over 35 alumni gathered downtown to reconnect with familiar faces, network, share their achievements, and focus on college and career readiness. Alumni, staff, and Chicago professionals honored Mr. George […]

The eighth graders at Alain Locke spent the day preparing for their upcoming transition to high school. They started the morning off with a grad-to-grad networking breakfast, followed by the […]

The Alain Locke Class of 2015 Valedictorian and Salutatorian were just announced. Congratulations to Kiera McNeary, Valedictorian and Destiny Chapman, Salutatorian. All of our eighth graders are dedicated to their […]

Eighth graders at Alain Locke Charter School have been busy participating in many events to prepare them for their upcoming high school transition. Throughout the year, Future Founders Foundation has […]

Last Friday, Sprout Social brought 20 employees to Alain Locke Charter School who worked alongside the eighth graders to clean-up the playground. After a successful beautification project in October, Sprout Social […]

Principal Love will present “Working the Core: Getting to your Strategic Plan” at the upcoming National Charter School Conference on June 21-24, 2015 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center […]

Learn more about one of Alain Locke’s key strategies in successfully closing the achievement gap for its students: a commitment to ongoing, focused and actionable professional development. Strong School-based Professional […]

Alain Locke was just highlighted in the National Charter School Resource Center case study: Transitioning to the Common Core. Alain Locke was one of three charter schools lifted up as […]


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Nam quis sapien ac lectus accumsan feugiat vitae sit amet enim. Duis et accumsan enim. Integer porta congue mauris, et facilisis lacus malesuada a. Cras malesuada feugiat odio.

Alain Locke is one of the top charter schools in Chicago. The mission of Alain Locke is to produce globally competitive students, while at the same time setting the standard for successful urban charter schools by exemplifying excellence in academics, the arts and personal and social development.


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