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Eighth-grader D’Shanti had an awesome time at the National History Day Contest last week. The annual contest was held at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland and is […]

Are you the parent of a pre-4th grader from Chicago’s West Side? If so, you’re invited to an Alain Locke Charter School informational session on July 2. ALAIN LOCKE IS […]

Eighth-grader D’Shanti will compete in the National History Day Contest at the University of Maryland next month One of Alain Locke Charter School’s very own students has qualified to compete […]

After Alain Locke’s recent state history fair, several students are now advancing to the statewide Illinois History Day competition. The number of students advancing to the statewide competition marks an […]

Alain Locke Charter School is very happy to report that Groupon’s recent donation drive was a major success. Chicago-based Groupon’s Inbound Sales Department collected books, school supplies and toiletries kits […]


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Alain Locke is one of the top charter schools in Chicago. The mission of Alain Locke is to produce globally competitive students, while at the same time setting the standard for successful urban charter schools by exemplifying excellence in academics, the arts and personal and social development.


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