On Friday, the Alain Locke Attendance Committee had a wonderful time going around our classrooms to celebrate our All-Stars who have had perfect attendance at school over the past six […]

Our fifth grade All-Stars had an amazing day at the wonderful Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe on Thursday! During their field trip, students dug into the fascinating world of carnivorous […]

The Alain Locke All-Stars are ready to bundle up for the chilly weather this winter season thanks to a very generous donation at school this week. Our friends at BDO […]

Our third grade All-Stars recently had a roaring good time at the River Trail Nature Center in Northbrook. These young explorers embarked on this thrilling outdoor adventure out of the […]

Last Friday, we transformed the parking lot at school into a Halloween wonderland for the 2024-25 Alain Locke Trunk or Treat! A big thank you to our volunteers who helped […]

Our seventh and eighth grade All-Stars and their families had a wonderful time at the 2024-25 Alain Locke High School Fair on Friday. This was a fantastic opportunity for our […]

Our third and fourth grade All-Stars had an unforgettable time attending a live performance of “Frida Kahlo and the Bravest Girl in the World” at Governors State University last week. […]

We had such a fantastic turnout at our Family Math Game Night at school last Wednesday! This fun-filled and stimulating evening of math games and enriching learning activities for our […]

With the Alain Locke first- and third-graders having visited Sonny Acres Farm last month, we couldn’t let our kindergarten All-Stars miss out on the fun! On Tuesday, the kindergarteners took […]


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Nam quis sapien ac lectus accumsan feugiat vitae sit amet enim. Duis et accumsan enim. Integer porta congue mauris, et facilisis lacus malesuada a. Cras malesuada feugiat odio.

Alain Locke is one of the top charter schools in Chicago. The mission of Alain Locke is to produce globally competitive students, while at the same time setting the standard for successful urban charter schools by exemplifying excellence in academics, the arts and personal and social development.


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