A Letter from the Principal
Dear Parents,
We hope that this letter finds your family safe and healthy! After getting your feedback and weighing our options, we are ready to share our reopening plan. For the start of the 2020-21 school year, we will be offering families TWO OPTIONS: Hybrid Learning Model (A/B schedule) OR Full-Time Remote Learning Only.
A hybrid learning model balances the need for health and safety while allowing for some in-person instruction every week. To meet proper social distancing guidelines, a pod of approximately 10-15 students will alternate learning at home and at school. While at school, students will stay in their pods for all in-person learning activities. Students will be able to interact with their peers and teachers in the classroom at least a couple of times a week while maintaining social distancing and other recommended safety precautions. We feel this model will allow for the safest delivery of in-person instruction and social-emotional fulfillment for students.
Hybrid Learning Model
As part of the hybrid model, students will do a mix of in-person learning and remote learning each week:
Pod A will learn at school on Mondays and Wednesdays, work independently at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and engage in real-time virtual instruction on Fridays.
Pod B will work independently at home on Mondays and Wednesdays, learn at school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and engage in real-time virtual instruction on Fridays.
- "Pods" will stay together to keep students and instructors interacting with the smallest number of people possible.
- To allow for additional cleaning time we will be revising our school hours for in-person instruction. In-person instruction will start at 8:30am with dismissal now at 2:00pm. Students will be allowed to arrive as early as 8:00am in order to go through the screening process and pick up their breakfast before heading to the classroom for the day.
To ensure the safe return to the school building, we are implementing numerous safety precautions as recommended by health experts, including (not an exhaustive list):
Contactless temperature checks and symptom checks before entering building
Students and staff will be required to wear face masks while in the school building
Student desks will remain 6 feet from each other and, for additional protection, will include desk shields
Classroom supplies will not be shared
Floor markers and signage reminders will be up throughout the school building to maintain social distancing and promote proper hygiene
For more information on how we plan to maintain a safe and healthy environment within our school building, please refer to our district approved school reopening plan.
Full-Time Remote Learning Only
You may choose remote learning only for your child for any reason. Once that option is chosen then you must commit to that choice for the entire quarter.
No in-person learning. Students will participate in learning activities at home daily consisting of some live instruction, but mostly independent learning using an online platform.
Please keep in mind that full-time remote learning will look significantly different from the remote learning that was provided at the end of last school year in the following ways:
- New learning will take place across all subjects
- Some learning will occur daily during a daily scheduled time when the teachers and students meet virtually in real time
- Some learning will occur where students are working independently at their own pace and time
- Student work will be graded similarly to in-person grading and daily attendance will be taken
- Students will utilize Google Classroom so that students can access and turn in assignments remotely.
Regular and on-going communication with your child’s instructor is key to making the remote learning only option work. We will ensure that your child has a laptop or tablet to access Google Classroom and all the other digital resources required. If you choose this option, your child’s instructor will virtually meet with you prior to the start of the school year to walk through the daily/weekly schedule and other expectations for your child’s grade level.
Hybrid Learning Model or Full-Time Remote Learning Only?
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions while you are deciding what works best for you and your child. Once you have made your decision, please complete the RETURN TO SCHOOL LEARNING PLAN CHOICE FORM no later than Friday, August 7th. The completion of a separate Enrollment Form will be required for each student enrolled at Alain Locke.
Please note: All families should be prepared for a switch to full-remote learning at any time if the city or state determines it is necessary due to a rise in confirmed cases of COVID-19.
We want to thank you for your invaluable support and partnership during this challenging time. Please be sure to check Bloomz and www.alainlocke.org for any updates as we get closer to the start of the school year.
Patrick Love, Principal
Vonyell Foster, Dean of Students and Operations