Intent to Return for the 2021-22 School Year
It has been our pleasure to have your child attending Alain Locke Charter School this past year. Your family and your child’s academic, social, and emotional needs are very important to us. It is our hope that your child(ren) will return to Alain Locke for an exciting 2021-2022 School Year.
To help us plan our enrollment for next year, please confirm that you will be returning to Alain Locke Charter School for the upcoming school year. If you are planning to have your child attend next year please mark “YES”. If you choose to send your children to a different school next year, please mark “NO”.
We must receive the signed document for each student who is returning to Alain Locke. The position for students who do not return the signed document my be marked OPEN. All OPEN positions will be filled immediately from the waiting list.